Fr. Paul has been talking with the children about joining our group of altar servers. Recruitment and training are beginning again now for the first time since Covid paused our program in 2020.
Altar serving is open to ALL CHILDREN GRADES 3 to HIGH SCHOOL WHO HAVE ALREADY RECEIVED FIRST COMMUNION. Training for everyone will be provided.
If your child(ren) is interested in joining the Ministry of Servers, or if your family would like to find out more, please join our new Flocknote group. This will ensure that you receive all updates on our program, news of any meetings, etc. This is NOT a commitment for your child to serve--just a way to learn more. We must have a parental email to contact your child. We cannot directly contact anyone under 18 years of age due to diocese safety concerns.
If your child is already a server, please join this group as well, so we have all the names in one place.
Thank you for considering having your child serve at the altar of the Lord at mass! If you have any questions, please contact Fr. Paul.